from across the sea…

3 years ago today I was walking down the aisle to marry the love of my life.  3 years.  In the best way possible it seems like it has been much, much longer.  In those 3 years we’ve lived in Charleston.  Started new jobs.  Moved to Ethiopia.  Started new jobs again.  Traveled the world a little bit.  And ended it with a little more excitement- finding out we were pregnant.  It’s been a big 3 years.

Unfortunately we’re celebrating this anniversary a couple of thousand miles apart.  And it stinks.  A lot.  But thanks to a pretty rough skype connection, we were able to talk and pretend we weren’t quite so far apart.  Right now his days are consumed with college kids, hyenas, orphanages, drilling, and bad restaurant food.  My days are full of family time, shopping, baby preparations…and cheesecake.  Our lives are very different right now.  But in less than a week we’ll be reunited and it will be sweet for certain.

I love you Benjamin Taylor.  How I ended up with the most patient, kind, funny, and encouraging man is beyond me.  I am so thankful that God brought you into my life 6 years ago.  Looking forward to the next 70+ years by your side.  Now just hurry up and get back over here so we can have this baby and really get this show on the road!